Identifying the Hidden Costs of Archaeological Field Schools: A Survey from the Coalition of Archaeology Centers

This survey seeks information on student experiences with managing the financial costs of archaeological field schools, including the experiences of those who were unable to attend a field school because of costs or other exclusionary factors. In particular, we seek to understand how hidden costs may be making participation difficult, creating a roadblock to a fully inclusive discipline. The survey should require only 5-8 minutes of your time.

Click here to start the survey.

This survey has been developed by a consortium of academic programs in archaeology in collaboration with the Society of Black Archaeologists, the Indigenous Archaeology Collective, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and SAPIENS. Our shared goal is to find ways to improve student experiences and the diversity of the next generation of researchers. You can find the list of the archaeological centers that are sponsoring this survey at this link. The survey is intended for students whose primary training has been at a US-based educational institution. If you attended more than one field school, please base your responses on your first experience.

This survey is fully anonymous. No identifying information will be captured with your responses. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.